This cold has takin it's toll ON ME. (This love by Maroon 5 remix)
You know as soon as it hits. YOU KNOW. In the middle of the night, while driving, in a classroom, at work, in your bedroom- oh my effing GOD, my nose is RUNNING, and I feel so CLOUDY!!!!What did I do to deserve this? What is it? Do I need to shower? Am I allergic to this air? Am I allergic to every single human being I come in contact with? The sun? No, my body just seriously lacks an immune system. I LTERALLY can not count the amount of times my doctor (shout-out to Dr. Cheng) has said, "Well, Iman, it sounds like bronchitis." WTF?! AGAIN? If bronchitis didn't sound bad enough, my body decided to bless me with bronchopneumonia, and let me tell you, that was like NO OTHER. Your chest feels like it is clogged, your voice box cuts in and out at it's convenience, and your body hurts as if you ACTUALLY work out 7 days a week instead of sitting on the couch thinking about all of the time you are NOT working out. Frickin' A. Also, I don' know about you all, but I ge...